Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thirty Interviews!!

Again, we have had quite a productive week. Monday and Tuesday we met with nine different companies, including several we had not heard of before. Yesterday we surpassed thirty companies officially interviewed! Woo Hoo!

Kyla has one week to go and Mollie has two, so we are hoping to wrap up interviews in the next week and focus on statistics and typing during Mollie’s last week. As we’ve reiterated before, the more we talk to people, the wider the circle becomes. I think we could spend the good part of a year continuing this research and not finding everyone.  For the purposes of this project, though, I think we have been exhaustive and extensive in identifying and contacting the major players. 

As we think about next steps, we are considering options for publishing.  Hopefully the LSE will be willing to move forward with a report, but we are also looking into additional areas as we have much more information and data than we expected to find. Thank you all for following us on our journey and we will make sure to write more as we finish up!

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